Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm a little monster...

As stated by Lady Gaga! BEST CONCERT EVER!

Add ImageLast Wednesday I had the opportunity to let loose and attend the Lady Gaga concert here in Denver. It was amazingly fabulous and she is a true performer...I still can't get over it--best concert I have ever seen by far...and I got to see it from the floor directly in front of the stage! If anyone ever gets the chance to see her live in concert DO IT! I feel like when I tell my kids and grandchildren in the WAAAYYYYY future that I saw Lady Gaga in concert from the front row they will actually think I'm cool. Again, she was the best performer I have seen hands down!

The costumes, stage changes, choreography, and of course the music were all top notch. And you should have seen the crowd...freakshow! Some of the outfits people were wearing should have been illegal...but it was Lady Gaga so it was completely acceptable! I'm talking lots of wigs, people wearing little to no clothing, fishnet stalkings, faces painted, dyed hair, crazy make-up people wearing only leotards...guys and girls, and homemade "Gaga" type costumes--it was quite the spectacle!

The opening band fit the atmosphere of concert and crowd perfectly...very glam rock! They ended up hosting the after party at the Beauty Bar afterward and were entertaining to say the least!

Here are some pictures I got during the concert:

(All of us girls ready for the after party)
(Lead singer from the opening band Semi-Precious the glittery walls--it was a very fitting place for them!)

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